7 “Controversial’ Food Opinions BTS’s Jungkook Agrees With

7 “Controversial’ Food Opinions BTS’s Jungkook Agrees With

We love BTS‘s Jungkook to bits, but sometimes, he has some questionable taste in food. Although food preferences are subjective, we’d like to point out just 7 types of foods he enjoys, but most people might hate.

1. Mint Chocolate

A universally debated topic, mint chocolate has the power to unite or divide. Jungkook claims to really like mint chocolate!

My hair dye has faded a little, right? I think it was originally supposed to be like this. It looks a little like mint chocolate, right? This part is the chocolate, and so now it’s mint chocolate. I’m part of the mint chocolate club! I really like mint chocolate, so I really like this.

— Jungkook

아 마저 머리색이 쫌 빠졌죠잉~?
원래는 이거에요 이 색이에여 약간 민트색이죠?
여기가 초코색이니까 이제 민트초코예요오 제가 민초단이거등여? 흐흫ㅎㅎ
전 민트초코를 굉장히 좋아하기 때문에 굉장히 마음에 듭니다 pic.twitter.com/JCBJ6s3w9t

— 꾹첼 (@97JK_ee) March 7, 2021

2. Pineapples on pizza

Okay, this one, we approve. Hawaiian pizza is the best thing ever! Jungkook was seen clamoring for the flavor when the group took a visit to the pizza parlor.

3. Matcha or green tea

In an interview once, he named green tea as the flavor he cannot live without. Jungkook likes green tea in ice cream, lattes and smoothies.

4. Pure canned tuna

We think the GIF speaks for itself.

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5. Unpopular Korean ice creams

Known as the trinity of unpopular ice creams in South Korea, it is unfortunate (or is it…?) that Jungkook enjoys all three. Corn flavored ice cream, a fish bread ice cream, and bibibik, a frozen pop that tastes a little like red bean.

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The reason? He likes ’em plain.

I like green tea and mint chocolate and bibibik, and hmm, what else? Oh, I don’t like things that are fresh and sweet like fruits. I like plain tastes.

— Jungkook

(붕어싸만코를 먹으며)
그린티 좋아하고 민트초코 좋아하고 비비빅 좋아하고 또 머있지? 아 완전 막,, 과일 이런거. 진짜 달달하고 상콤하고 새콤하고 이런건 안 좋아해여. 담백한 거 좋아함니다.
(념) 배탈나는거 아니야? (뇸) pic.twitter.com/bFdPGQdaoe

— 초 (@_cho97) January 13, 2020

6. Raisin bread

Well, not all raisin bread is made equal — some are really good! So we’ll give him a pass on this one.

Raisin bread is really good! It adds on to the sweetness in the bread. It’s good! Don’t eat it if you don’t like it. Raisins alone are good too.

— Jungkook

건포도 들어간 식빵
단 맛을 추가하자나요 식빵에
먹기 싫음 먹지 마세요
건포도 마쉿능데… pic.twitter.com/Nq04QnRIok

— 꾹첼 (@97JK_ee) March 9, 2021

7. Coriander (also known as Cilantro)

We definitely can’t forgive him for this one. Coriander…

고수마저도 잘먹는 정국이 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 김밥에 고수들엇다는 말에 빠르게 유턴하는 형들 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ pic.twitter.com/FLKIwtjm2w

— (REST) 마포병아리감별사 (@_golden_gate_) August 5, 2021

There you have it! Do you agree with Jungkook’s tastes in food?

Source: Koreaboo – Read More

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