Fact Check: Is There A Leaked Video Of BLACKPINK Lisa’s Crazy Horse Performance?

Fact Check: Is There A Leaked Video Of BLACKPINK Lisa’s Crazy Horse Performance?

BLACKPINK‘s Lisa has been the talk of the internet lately due to her ongoing performances at the Crazy Horse Cabaret in Paris. While she reportedly has not appeared nude, the idea of her performing at such a place has not sat well with many online.

BLACKPINK’s Lisa | @lalalalisa_m/Instagram | @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Regardless, fans and friends of the artist have shown heavy support for Lisa, with an official from the venue describing how groundbreaking her performance is.

Because the Crazy Horse has become a symbol of the woman who is proud to be free, curious, and confident. I also think that by deciding to do this, Lisa is showing the same thing.

— Andrée Deissenberg

After the first night of her series of performances, fans were waiting in anticipation for anything content from the club and were thrilled when a photo showing one of Lisa’s various stage outfits was shared.

Also making rounds is a video depicting one of the numbers performed during the show, with the caption “Lisa’s performance at Crazy Horse Paris.”

Lisa performance at Crazy Horse Paris
#Lisa #blackpink

Jack Harlow #LISAxCRAZYHORSEPARIS#LISAxCRAZYHORSE#Abhiya #Abhisha #DonBelle pic.twitter.com/TLk6q6fcT3

— ✮⋆˙ 𝘼𝙗𝙝𝙞𝙮𝙖 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙧 ✮⋆˙ (@VenomousLassie) September 28, 2023

The video’s quality is not very high. Still, because of the venue’s no video or photo policy, some fans have accepted that any “leaked” footage will appear similarly.  But is that video actually Lisa?

Crazy Horse has existed for a long time, and through the years, content from various shows has made its way online, like this clip of a performance from the show below.

And while the person in the video has a very similar build to Lisa, and the vocals strongly resemble hers, the clip is actually from a performance at the venue from 2012.

Your browser does not support video.Video posted on X.  Your browser does not support video.Video on YouTube showing the OP’s username.

The video circulating alleged to be Lisa has had its audio replaced with an AI song cover that was also falsely said to be from her performance.

???#LISA #LISAxCRAZYHORSE pic.twitter.com/mhsEcE0AJd

— @irraelyjavier (@bpmemesworld) September 28, 2023

While everyone wishes there was a way to see Lisa, it is unlikely as security appears to be very tight.

BLACKPINK’s bestie Rosalía posted a photo of Lisa from the night, which you can read below.

Spanish Singer Rosalía Gives A Close-Up Of BLACKPINK Lisa’s Crazy Horse Look In New Update

Source: Koreaboo – Read More

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