“It’s Because He’s A Fairy” — Netizens Notice BTS V’s Unique Habit

“It’s Because He’s A Fairy” — Netizens Notice BTS V’s Unique Habit

BTS‘s V has all kinds of cute and quirky habits. Some are totally adorable, like his rectangular smile…

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…and some are a bit more dangerous to our hearts, like his cool and charismatic expressions on stage!

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However, one of his habits is so subtle, you just might miss it. Watch this carefully — Did you miss it?

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You might have noticed that V can move his ears!

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When he’s focusing or concentrating on something, they sometimes move backwards.

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Only some people are capable of doing this…

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…and netizens found it equally fascinating and adorable!

“He’s like a character LOL” “A fairy, he’s a fairy!” “As expected, fairies are different…” “Woah, this is fascinating. He’s like a puppy” “Isn’t it because he’s a fairy?” “Fascinating” “Cute”

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Give it a try and see if you’re capable of this super cute quirk, too!

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Source: Koreaboo – Read More

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