K-Drama “Taxi Driver 2” Reaches All-Time High Viewer Ratings With An Uncanny “Burning Sun” Episode

K-Drama “Taxi Driver 2” Reaches All-Time High Viewer Ratings With An Uncanny “Burning Sun” Episode

SBS‘s weekend K-Drama Taxi Driver 2 is breaking records with its viewer ratings!

“Taxi Driver 2” | SBS

On April 1 (KST), the show peaked with 21.6% viewer ratings at one point during Episode 12 which featured a plot that hit close to 2019’s “Burning Sun Scandal” that left South Korea in a state of total chaos.

A still from “Taxi Driver 2” Episode 12 | @SBSNOW/Twitter

The episode ended with a final viewer rating of 19.4% (metropolitan areas), which is an all-time high for the show!

| NamuWiki

The latest episodes featured a club named “Black Sun” and a villain named “Victor.” While both are fictitious, and Taxi Driver 2 does show an “all persons fictitious” disclaimer at the beginning of each episode…

Club “Black Sun” in “Taxi Driver 2” | SBS

…viewers couldn’t help but be reminded of Burning Sun and Seungri (whose name means “victory”).

Actor Ko Gun Han (center) as “Victor” in “Taxi Driver 2” | SBS

From bribing the police to drugging female club guests, Episodes 11, 12, and the trailer for Episode 13 follow some of the most gruel details that are obviously based on true events.

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Anticipation remains high for the character Kim Do Gi (actor Lee Je Hoon) and Rainbow Taxi’s successful revenge against the evil!

Read all about the “Burning Sun Scandal” and what happened to the K-Pop idols who were involved.

4 Years Later: Where All The K-Pop Idols Involved In The “Burning Sun Scandal” Are Now

Source: Koreaboo – Read More

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