Korean Livestreamer Stabs Another Female Streamer In The Face With A Fork


A livestreamer stabbed a fellow streamer with a fork while livestreaming.

Yeoul | @yeoul.87/InstagramNyamNyamJjangJjang | NyamNyamJjangJjang’s deleted YouTube channel

On June 5, several clips of streamer Yeoul (감성여울) being attacked by NyamNyamJjangJjang (냠냠짱짱) went viral online.

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In the clips, NyamNyamJjangJjang reportedly calls out to Yeoul, yelling “Unnie!” before approaching her. As soon as she got close to Yeoul, NyamNyamJjangJjang attacked her with a fork she was holding.

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Yeoul is then seen bleeding from the attack before slouching over in pain. NyamNyamJjangJjang then started kicking Yeoul, who was on the floor. The streamer reportedly then laughs, shocking audiences even more.

According to reports, the two had appeared on shows together before and were thought of as being friendly to one another. Soon after the attack, however, NyamNyamJjangJjang justified her actions as retribution.

Um, I will tell you while showing you the evidence. She always talked behind my back and pulled my hair, and abused me. I suffered silently, but one day she started dissing me on stream and threatened me and hit me, which I had to endure. And then she came to me today.

— NyamNyamJjangJjang

NyamNyamJjangJjang further alleged that Yeoul had previously physically abused her many times.

Honestly, I endured so much physical abuse you didn’t know about and had to endure it all just because she is my senior… She then came to me while I was streaming. It wasn’t a one-sided attack. There have been instances where I was bruised, hit, and cursed out. People who watched her streams would know that she started bad-mouthing me. I had my hair pulled out, was physically abused and was cursed out. I am telling you the truth. I am sorry if this made you uncomfortable.

— NyamNyamJjangJjang

As the controversy grew, NyamNyamJjangJjang then reportedly took down all of her videos on her YouTube channel.

Yeoul then uploaded a photo of her face after the attack and held a livestream in which she stated that she would be reporting the incident to the police. In her livestream, Yeoul denied ever physically abusing NyamNyamJjangJjang.

According to reports, the two are alleged to have been drunk during the attack. Stay tuned for updates.

Source: Koreaboo – Read More

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