The Actual Reason Why BLACKPINK’s Lisa Was Seen Rushing Inside A Bangkok Mall

The Actual Reason Why BLACKPINK’s Lisa Was Seen Rushing Inside A Bangkok Mall

BLACKPINK‘s Lisa arrived in Thailand, her home country, at the start of September.

She was seen walking around Bangkok with her mother and friends. It was a rare break for her as she’s been busy with the BORN PINK world tour, filming brand deals, practicing, and more.

The BLACKPINK singer took her time checking out makeup, buying drinks, peering inside clothing stores, and more.

At one point, numerous fans saw her running across the mall as if she were in a rush to get somewhere. In confusion, they filmed her and her friend in multiple angles and stations in the mall.

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It later turned out that there was a very good reason for this—Lisa had left her purse inside one of the clothing stores!

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She had visited Stretsis, a popular local fashion brand, and unfortunately forgot her valuables inside. Luckily, as soon as she rushed back, the staff informed her that they had kept her bag safe.

The BLACKPINK dancer’s reaction was one of immediate relief. While still breathing hard from the sudden run, she clasped her hands across her chest and gave a small bow.

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Her good manners were on full view, with Lisa and her friend thanking the staff profusely for their efforts in keeping her things safe.

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Lisa then went about her day secure in the knowledge that she had her things back with her. Fans, in turn, saw her humble and gratitude-filled personality in full view.

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Source: Koreaboo – Read More

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