Where Is He Now? The 35 Year Old Man Who Looks Like A Child Due To Medical Condition

Where Is He Now? The 35 Year Old Man Who Looks Like A Child Due To Medical Condition

Shin Hyo Myung first appeared in a 2013 segment on eNEWS24 to discuss his life. While on the surface, he appears to be your average young boy, the truth is that he is far from it.

He was born in 1989, but suffers from a medical condition in which his body ages at an extremely slow rate, giving him the appearance of a young boy.

Shin Hyo Myung’s Identification Card Shin Hyo Myung’s height at 26 was 163cm.

His medical condition is unofficially named “Highlander Syndrome”, and Shin Hyo Myung states that despite the stunted growth, he has no serious health issues that restrict his everyday being. The short documentary covers an average day in his life from dancing in his living room in pajamas to going out clubbing.

Shin Hyo Myung enjoying an alcoholic beverage.

On another instance, he goes out on a date. His date seemed to be surprised to learn his true age.

Shin Hyo Myung and his date.

But, where is he now?

Today, Shin Hyo Myung is 34 years old, and frequently posts DJing and mukbang content on his Youtube channel, as well as his Instagram and Tik Tok, under the name DJ Pororo.

In a Q&A on his Youtube channel, Shin Hyo Myung reveals he is currently unemployed aside from his hobbies as a DJ and content creator.

Shin Hyo Myung in 2023 | @zxcmm89/Instagram

He also reveals has developed diabetes and dental issues, yet says it’s at a manageable state. This diagnosis is said to have no correlation to his Highlander Syndrome.

Shin Hyo Myung discussing his current status in a Q&A video on his Youtube channel | @zxcmm89/Youtube

Regardless, Shin Hyo Myung states that he doesn’t let his diagnosis get in the way of living the way he wants to.



Source: Koreaboo – Read More

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