KBS Producer Is Accused Of Being A JMS Member On Live Television — KBS Responds To Allegation

A KBS producer was alleged to be a member of the controversial cult JMS on live television.
Kim Do Hyung (left) and hosts of KBS’s The Live (right) | KBS
On March 9, Exodus president and Dankook University professor Kim Do Hyung was interviewed on live television for KBS’s The Live. Exodus is an anti-JMS group and, for 30 years, has worked to expose the cult’s crimes and to free its members.
During the interview, Kim Do Hyung was asked about the forces that protected JMS’s founder Jung Myeong Suk. In the documentary, In The Name of God: A Holy Betrayal, many victims alleged that powerful people protected and enabled the cult’s founder to commit his horrendous crimes.
A statue at the center of Korea’s Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, which was made by a JMS member, seems to corroborate this.
Statue in front of prosecutor’s office | Huffington post
Professor Kim Do Hyung answered the question with a shocking allegation. According to the professor, KBS also had JMS members and alleged a producer at the broadcasting company was a JMS follower.
You don’t have to look far (to find those who protect JMS). There are (JMS members) here at KBS as well.
— Kim Do Hyung
The interview host was dumbfounded by the allegation and was taken aback and stammered, “You can’t make allegations like that,” to which the professor steadfastly claimed he could even name the member.
No. I could even name the person. I won’t tell you because it would be cruel, but a KBS producer is currently a follower.
— Kim Do Hyung
The professor didn’t stop there. According to the professor, a translator that frequently appears on KBS was also a follower.
That female translator currently works as an interpreter for foreign victims of sexual crimes (in JMS-related cases). If people like her appear on KBS, young people will be led to believe that they can trust her, and what happens if young women trust that unnie? More people become victims.
— Kim Do Hyung
After the allegations were made on live television, KBS has since stated that they were investigating the accusations and would take the necessary steps according to the results.
We will investigate the allegations made by Professor Kim and will take the necessary measures according to the results of the investigation.
Kim Do Hyung is a professor at Dankook University and has been the president of the anti-JMS group Exodus for 30 years. The professor was featured on Netflix’s documentary, In The Name of God: A Holy Betrayal, and revealed that his father was terrorized by the cult.
| Netflix
Source: Koreaboo – Read More