NCT’s Haechan Attends His Younger Sibling’s Entrance Ceremony And Gives Out Fanservice

With March comes the start of the new school year for many in South Korea. As school begins in Spring in South Korea, an entrance ceremony is held for those moving up between schools to welcome in the freshmen. A busy affair, celebrities often avoid these if they can. In the case of NCT‘s Haechan, he took the time out of his schedule to attend his younger sibling’s entrance ceremony.
Haechan’s younger sibling is starting high school, and to celebrate, Haechan attended the ceremony with his family. As a member of one of the top boy groups, he was instantly approached by fans who asked for photos with the star.
He was spotted with his arm around his brother’s shoulders as they walked casually in the hallways.
He also carried his brother’s bag for him for a moment.
Haechan also lovingly took commemorative photographs for his family, earning the nickname “K-Jangnam” from fans, often referring to the responsible eldest son in Korean families.
From autographs to photos, Haechan did not hesitate to help boost his brother’s pride at the school.
학교에서 엔시티 해찬 군을 봤어요 ㅜㅜ
실물 짱 ..🫶🫶
동생분께서 이번에 저희 학교에 입학하셔서 입학식이라 잠깐 오셨어요 !!#엔시티 #해찬
— ㄱㄹ (@pamnidaaaa) March 2, 2023
Of course, people who caught a glimpse of the star could not help but gush over his good looks.
내친구… 해찬이 동생 입학식에서 해찬이 봐서 셀카 찍었단다… 개부럽다… 쌩머글 친구가 해찬이 잘생기고 멋있다고… 했다… #해찬
— 촐랑 (@makpeupeupeu802) March 2, 2023
It doesn’t seem that long ago when Haechan was at his own high school ceremony!
본인 입학식에 있던 해찬이가
7년 뒤에 동생 입학식에
… 많이 컸다 해찬이 진짜
— zero (@z2rohyuck) March 2, 2023
His siblings could not wish for a better older brother.
Source: Koreaboo – Read More